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Mobile Pet Euthanasia
Frequently Asked Questions

Mobile pet euthanasia is a difficult and emotional topic for many pet owners. Here are answers to common questions families ask our vet care team at La Fin Veterinary.


We understand the decision to euthanize a pet is deeply personal. It's important to consult with your veterinarian for guidance and support throughout the process. In addition, the La Fin Veterinary care team can offer insights into your pet's condition and help you make the most informed, compassionate decisions for your beloved companion.

How will I know when it's time to put my pet down?

Determining the right time for euthanasia is a deeply personal decision. Generally speaking, we recommend monitoring changes in your pet’s interactions with loved ones or other pets in the home, as well as changes in their general behaviors and routines. Additional factors to consider include your beloved pet’s diagnosis, symptoms, physical condition, and overall quality of life.


Learn about Quality of Life indicators when thinking about end-of-life care. 


Our vet care team can provide guidance on when it might be the right time based on your pet's unique circumstances, lifestyle, and emotional well-being. Feel free to fill out a Contact Form at your earliest convenience. Consider a Consultation with Veterinarian Dr. Charlie.

What is the estimated cost for the process?

The estimated cost depends on a variety of factors. Estimates can be prepared considering driving times and distances, holiday/weekend/after-hours appointments, owner-elected aftercare options (if any), customizations (if any), and pet size & disposition. In some cases, Dr. Charlie will need to coordinate an assistant to meet  him at an appointment for particularly large pets (fees apply). Balances are collected via credit card, check or cash. Credit card payments can be accepted before an appointment if preferred.


We can prepare an estimate once we have a better understanding of your pet and situation. Feel free to fill out a Contact Form at your earliest convenience. Consider a Consultation with Veterinarian Dr. Charlie.

What is the pet euthanasia process once the doctor arrives?

Euthanasia for pets is performed by our caring, gentle, and compassionate veterinarian Dr. Charlie. When Dr. Charlie arrives, he will open a discussion to assess your pet’s status, condition, and home environment. Dr. Charlie will then share options and, if agreed upon, begin the administration of euthanasia. 


Dr. Charlie will communicate throughout the process to provide your family with time, information, and support as needed. Please feel free to communicate your needs during the appointment, including needing more time to process, play a song, or read a poem or prayer. 


Learn about the entire process for pet euthanasia

Will my pet be in pain?

Dr. Charlie strives to make the process as peaceful and pain-free as possible. He will administer pain and sedative medications to ensure your beloved pet's comfort throughout the process. Pets often do not react at all to administration, but if they feel anything, it is described as a “pinch” and “tingle” for a few seconds. Dr. Charlie can assess your pet before proceeding and is equipped to give more medications if needed to ensure they are comfortable. Please let us know ahead of time if your pet is particularly fearful, painful, or wary of strangers so we can help plan for them safely and appropriately. 


Do we have to be present for the entire procedure?

Families are welcome to discuss their needs with our vet care team before the appointment or with Dr. Charlie upon arrival. While he will need to make contact with owners or a representative at the beginning of the appointment, there is flexibility whether to be present throughout the entire process. 


Families often prefer to be with their pet as they transition. We understand this is a very difficult time and everyone processes emotions in their own way. The decision is a deeply personal choice and we provide a judgment-free environment to honor personal beliefs and requests. 


There is often a lot of anxiety and fear around a loved one’s passing. We are proud to share that many families with these fears and concerns let us know how comfortable our vet care team and Dr. Charlie have helped them feel with the process, especially in bringing peace to their loved ones. 


Should my children be present?

Dr. Charlie is open to having any and all family members present. Keep in mind, children of different maturity levels will deal with grief differently. Some are more upset seeing family members cry, some may not yet be able to fully understand “why”. Children are inquisitive, intelligent, and can be incredibly resilient. This can be the opportunity to show them that death can be peaceful and comfortable. 


This may be your child’s first experience with death and discussing emotions and answering their questions can help teach them healthy coping skills for the future. Explaining euthanasia to children should be done with sensitivity. You know your children best and can decide what you feel is appropriate for them. 


Dr. Charlie recommends giving them the option to be present and to be as involved as they feel comfortable with. You may also reach out to a member of our Care Team with any questions.  Feel free to fill out a Contact Form at your earliest convenience. 


Will it be stressful for my other pets if I allow them to be present?

Household dynamics vary between pets and are very situational. Some pets may find comfort in the presence of housemates, while others may become stressed by certain pets, but not others. Even pets who may not be particularly close will experience change, if not grief, for the loss of a housemate. This is often described as one is “not themselves” or seeming “sad” or “lost”. As with humans, pet relationships are unique and no two bonds are exactly the same. 


The generally accepted thought is animals understand death, but do not view it with the “weight” or “depth” the way humans do. Whether your pets are inseparable or simply tolerant of one other, the loss of a housemate affects the others. 


Do not be surprised if housemates appear disinterested in what is going on. They often have sensed their friend’s decline long before any of us, and come to terms with it already. Conversely, many pets are more concerned about seeing their human companions upset and may be more attentive to gathered family or more interested in their new veterinarian friend. 


Allowing a pet to be present may help give them some understanding of what has happened to their sibling. Families often tell us that allowing their other pets to be present has kept the surviving pets from “looking for their housemate or sibling”. 


Dr. Charlie recommends giving them the option to be present and to be as involved as they feel comfortable with as long as they don’t further disrupt the family’s time and focus on the honored pet.


What is aftercare? Are there options?

Aftercare, or one’s “final arrangements”, is the care of a pet’s body after they have passed on. 


There are different options for aftercare for your beloved pet: burial, cremation, or aquamation. These options may vary depending on local laws and regulations and depending on your family’s preferences, personal, or religious beliefs. 


Some families may prefer to have a burial performed for their pet. If you choose to have a burial performed, our doctor will leave your loved one in your family’s care following the appointment. Families will be responsible for following their local laws and regulations regarding pet burial. 


Some families may prefer cremation or aquamation for their pets. There are two options: 

  • Private cremation, also known as individual cremation, is where your loved one is cremated separated and away from other pets. Your loved one’s ashes/remains are kept completely separate from those of other pets and are returned to your family in an urn or box of your choosing. 

  • Communal cremation, also known as group cremation, is where your pet will be cremated with other pets. Since your pet will be cremated with others, it is not possible to separate your pet’s ashes from those of other pets. Communal cremation is the preferred, affordable option for families that do not wish to have their pet’s ashes/remains returned to them. If you do not wish to, or are understandably unable to handle your beloved pet’s body after they have passed, cremation assistance is available with us. With communal cremations, ashes are taken out to sea or scattered in a private garden. 


Learn more about Aftercare (Pet Cremation Coordination Services).

How do I know my pet’s ashes will be only theirs?

Our crematory partners have tracking systems in place to ensure your pet is tracked throughout the process of cremation or aquamation. Metal implants (plates, pins, and rods) will not melt with the aftercare process and can be returned to you with prior notice. If not notified ahead of time, metal plates and screws are removed because they can pierce the sealed bag containing the remains. 


We have one partner who can send a photo to confirm it is a private, individual cremation. This is a unique available service beyond standard practice. If you prefer this option, please let us know since different partners have different return options.


Is it possible to be present for the cremation?

Some crematories offer the option for pet families to be present for their loved one’s private cremation, as it helps bring a sense of closure and when navigating the grieving process. This is known as a “witnessed cremation”. As the traditional cremation process takes several hours, families are not permitted to be there for the entirety of the process. If this is something you may be considering for your pet, please know that you may be there for the initial portion of the cremation process but will be asked to return later to receive your loved one’s ashes. 


Different crematory partners offer virtual or in-person witness cremations. These are done through our partners on an appointment basis and incur a separate fee. Witnessed cremation costs can range from a few hundred dollars and into the thousands. We may be able to help facilitate this with our crematory partner, but please be advised that these costs are often due upfront and paid to the crematory directly. Speak with a member of our vet care team if you would like to discuss this option ahead of your appointment. 


Learn more about the Types of Pet Cremation and how you can be present for the viewing.


Can my pet have an absolute private aquamation or witness cremation?

Aquamation strives to be more energy efficient and eco-friendly and unfortunately, an absolute private aquamation would negate the efficiency of the process. Our aquamation partners also do not allow for witness cremations since the process takes much longer. 


Can I send an object with my pet for cremation?

Thin blankets, clothing, toys, items, or letters can be taken with your pet for traditional cremation but are unable to be with your pet for aquamation since they will not break down properly. 


Are we able to bury our pet or handle our own cremation arrangements?

The decision of how to handle a loved one’s remains is deeply personal. 


If you are planning for a home burial, we recommend looking into local laws, guidelines, and restrictions to ensure this option is possible in the area in which you reside. Depending on your neighborhood/subdivision, you may need to learn more about the burial guidelines with your city, county, and/or HOA to ensure you are following laws and best practices.


Families with ties to a particular clinic, facility, crematory, or pet cemetery are welcomed to reach out and contact them to make their own aftercare arrangements. Keep in mind, families that choose to make their own arrangements will need to transport the beloved pet to the clinic, as many are often unable to assist with respectful transport. 


Some pet crematories offer their own dedicated transport service. Families would need to discuss and arrange respectful transport, cremation wishes, and aftercare costs with the pet crematory or veterinary clinic directly. In some situations, we may be able to arrange transport for your pet to a hospital or crematory of your choice for an additional fee. 

Is it normal that I feel relieved or guilty about scheduling?

Feeling a mix of intense emotions, including guilt or relief, is completely normal when facing difficult decisions about your pet's health or potential passing. A pet’s physical condition may decline at a slow, steady pace, faster than anticipated, or completely unexpectedly. 


While we often try to do our best for them, the stresses of daily care and worry accompanying their conditions can take a physical and emotional toll on us over time. We care for them, often without a thought for ourselves as a “labor of love” but at the end of the day, we are humans and we feel human emotions. It is okay to feel what you are feeling. 


Most often, we hear a pet owner feels “relief” or “guilt” when making an appointment with us. Guilt and shame are often associated with feelings like “I could have done more” or “I waited too long”. In reality, we do the best we can for them, within the scope of medicine and within our time and financial means. 


We need to assess and process the wave of emotions that come with this decision before and after scheduling. Your dear pet knows you love them and have done so many things to help them through their end-of-life journey. They look at you with nothing but unconditional love and understanding. 


It is normal to feel relieved as well — you are making the best decision for your pet and it is being made with love. Your beloved pet will no longer experience any pain or discomfort, as they will be at peace.


Consider finding support through pet loss support groups, formal or informal counseling, or memorializing your pet in some way. 


Is it okay to give my pet their normal medications before the appointment?

Yes, you may provide your pet with their normal medications. We want to ensure your loved one is as comfortable as possible before our doctor’s arrival. If your pet is on medications to help manage symptoms or pain, we recommend giving them as you normally would. 


We appreciate it if you can let us know what medications you plan to give and you may continue giving prescribed medications as normal. 


Is my pet able to eat before the appointment? We planned a special meal for them.

If your dear pet is still eating, you may give them anything they would like to eat on the day of the appointment. We usually recommend that if you are giving them something normally “off-limits” (like chocolate), that you wait until our doctor arrives or when they are nearby. We all want your pet to have the best day and want to be sure they are not feeling ill all day from something they have eaten.


How soon can the doctor be here if my pet declines quickly?

We understand that with end-of-life our loved one’s condition can change sooner than we had hoped or planned for. Same-day and short notice appointments are sometimes available, but since our doctors are available by appointment only, we cannot guarantee availability for urgent appointments. 


We recommend continually evaluating your pet’s condition and changes to their habits in order to help avoid an emergent situation. 


Planning ahead and saying goodbye “a little early rather than too late” significantly helps to ensure a peaceful transition for your pet and family. We know that emergencies can, and do happen, and will do our best to help. 


You may reach out to a member of our vet care team by text, email, or phone. Feel free to fill out a Contact Form at your earliest convenience. We will do all we can to help within our doctor’s availability. 


Do you offer mobile pet euthanasia as an emergency service?

We unfortunately are not an emergency or 24-hour service provider. If you find yourself in need of immediate assistance with your pet, we recommend taking them to your closest local 24-hour emergency veterinary facility. 

If you would like to request mobile pet euthanasia, you may reach out to a member of our vet care team by text, email, or phone. Feel free to fill out a Contact Form at your earliest convenience. We will do what we can to help within the veterinarian’s availability.

Do you offer any help if our pet passes away naturally at home?

If your beloved companion passes away naturally at home, we can assist with pet cremation transport and arrangements. Reach out to a member of our vet care team to discuss how we can help. Feel free to fill out a Contact Form at your earliest convenience.

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